Saturday, December 03, 2005

Amazing students in Idaho!

We were astounded to receive a package of thank you letters from Idaho that were done on the COMPUTER!
These chidren either drew their own artwork, or chose art-clippings to design, layout and print these magnificent thank you cards. I wish I could put them all up, but here are three we wanted to post...THANK YOU STUDENTS!


At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The students at our school enjoyed the presentation of PINOCCIO so much that it was a joy to help them make their Thank You notes. The children did all the work in the Paint program. Most sutdents created their own artwork. Those who used clip-art copied it from Word then pasted it into Paint where all the editing and writing was completed. The students enjoyed making the cards and I am very glad you enjoyed recieving them.
Thank you again,
Nissa Joseph, Librarian/Media Aide
Naples Elementary School


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